Illustration with map of Los Angeles and abstract art
Art by Ryan Ward

‘I Grew Up in Los Angeles’

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A poem from Mike the PoeT’s recently published “Letters To My City.” The book’s launch party is on Saturday, May 4, 2019.

I grew up in Los Angeles during the time of the Riots,

a city of love, a city of violence.

Suburban homes are seldom quiet

overworked parents, teenagers defiant.

I grew up in Los Angeles where latch key kids

handled their business, look over your shoulder

& don’t be a target,

a city of song, a city of sorrow

I grew up in Los Angeles watching Laker Championships

Magic Johnson, Shaq & Kobe Bryant

a city of love, a city of violence.

Magic visited patients at Daniel Freeman Hospital

one of them was my grandfather in 1984.

My grandparents grew up in Los Angeles

during the Depression & Zoot Suit Riots.

A city of compassion, a city of smashing.

I grew up in Los Angeles where sand drawn lines

defined the times of April 29th, 1992.

I grew up with a bridge-building crew aware of the chaos but focused on the payoff

a city of fire, a city of desire

My parents grew up in Los Angeles in the Age of Elvis & Eisenhower,

Surf Safari Endless Summer,

a city of memory, a city of mystery,

I grew up in Los Angeles with three generations of family

navigating the landscape to make way for me

I grew up in Los Angeles in the age of Reagan, Crack & Aids

a city of clubs, a city of drugs,

early adventures at UCLA began in 1992

out of the ashes of the uprising came the New,

a city of beauty, a city of duty.

I grew up in Los Angeles building unity through art, music & poetry

connecting communities with the word, a city of curves, a city of verbs,

I grew up in Los Angeles building bridges forming coalitions,

a city of visions, a city of decisions, a city of maps, a city of traps,

a city of machines, a city of dreams, a city of tracts, a city of facts,

a city of beaches, a city of teachers,

a city of Dodgers, a city of fathers,

a city of working mothers, a city of broke lovers,

I grew up in Los Angeles in the age of each other

a city to know, a city discovered

I grew up in Los Angeles during the time of the Riots,

a city of love, a city of violence.

The LAunch Party for Mike Sonksen’s “Letters To My City,” a book of poetry and essays dedicated to Los Angeles published by Writ Large Press, is on May, 4 from 6-8 p.m. in Boyle Heights. The event features readings from Sonksen, Besskepp, F. Douglas Brown, Steph Cha, Busstop Prophet and traci kato-kiriyama, among other writers. Peter Woods from Writ Large Press is slated to co-host.

Rissho Kosei-kai Buddhist Center of Los Angeles

2707 E 1st St., Los Angeles, California 90033

Los Angeleno