Predictions for 2020 from L.A.’s most Popular Psychics and Healers

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Mystics share their visions for the new year including election outcomes, the state of our city’s homelessness crisis and L.A.’s spiritual destiny.

You’ve joined a Pilates studio. You’ve attended a vision board party. You’re seriously going to cut out dairy and soy. Los Angeles is a city built on aspirations and astrology, and setting resolutions can feel as intuitive as taking surface streets at rush hour. As we look ahead to a new year, though, what is really in the stars for all of us?

We sat down with some of the city’s preeminent psychics, astrologists and spiritual guides to find out what they foresee playing out for us, collectively, over the next year and decade. (And yes, we asked them about the upcoming election too.)

Here is what they predicted.

Los Angeles will be a crucial hotbed of spiritual growth and political galvanizing.

“For the people living in L.A., now, more than ever, it is about how one takes that unique Los Angeles energy and incorporates it into their self-reflective practices to better know and consistently be themselves … You may be one person with your family, another with friends and another at work. This upcoming year for Angelenos is really about becoming their most authentic self, regardless of the setting or who they are with.” — Shannon Kobes, a soul coach, and the owner of Indigo Intuition

“Los Angeles is more than just the entertainment capital of the world. In the United States, I sincerely feel that it’s one of the most universal spiritual capitals of the world. We have so much accessible to us, so many different teachers, places. It feels like there is a very deep energetic or spiritual call that every individual is being called to. It’s a kind of inner prompting that’s within each person, so if each individual answers that call, in their own way, they’re really rising into this more empowered place.

“What I feel collectively at a macro level is that more individuals are rising to this empowered place, and not a self-centered or an ego-centric place. There are going to be radical shifts that we start to see in life on earth, economically, environmentally, politically. I just see this ripple into a lot of areas. Now, every individual is doing this for themselves to contribute to the collective. I feel like there’s going to be more freedom. Freedom to speak authentically, freedom to find the communities that really accept and encourage that freedom.” — Helen Vonderheide, Akashic records teacher and owner of Just Bee True 2 You

“There’s going to be a lot more policing. There’s going to be a lot more uprising. There are going to be more protests, more groups that are showing up. We’re organizing. It has a lot to do with the gentrification that is going on.” — Julian Sambrano, psychic, healer and owner of Mostly Angels L.A.

The homelessness crisis will get worse before it gets better.

“Homelessness is going to get worse for people to really start to care. Not that there aren’t people who don’t care now. There are, but the human race works on extremes. Things will have to become more extreme before we’re pushed into action.” — Aja Daashur, The Spirit Guide Coach

“I feel like the homeless people are getting pushed out more and more. They’re showing me shuttles of people being pushed into the I.E. or outside of L.A., and it’s like even people who have jobs are getting displaced. It seems like [alleviating homelessness] is going to be a five-year process. It is more of a perspective shift. These people need to be humanized, and people aren’t humanizing them. It’s that thing of, we’re seeing them as separate. We’re not seeing them as ourselves.”  — Sambrano

“We need to go through expansion and growth. In the western world, we are so accustomed to comfort, and comfort makes us passive to a lot of the oppressions that are happening. We must be really face-to-face with the oppression that’s happening.” — Leah Garza, spiritual healer and metaphysical anatomy practitioner 

You might want to brace for another rough election night.

“It’s an election year. Everything is coming to light. I don’t know how it’s going to play out, but Saturn has been in Capricorn since December 2017 and it will end its cycle this year on Dec. 19 or 20. Saturn is always the planet between what is close to us and all the planets that are further away from us. It’s  boundary, the wall, the line. Capricorn is all about traditions, rules and regulations. Our governments, businesses, enterprise. There might be an end to something. It demands that we really check in with reality and what works, what doesn’t work, and to break down a lot of old traditions.

“Pluto and Jupiter also in Capricorn. The last time, historically, Pluto and Saturn came together in Capricorn was 1518, when there was a reformation of the Catholic Church. Whatever is going to happen with the election, there is going to be something massive that will shift.” — Mimi Truong, astrologer

“The reading that I did very recently was ‘prepare for Trump in 2020.’ That does not mean he will get elected. It is, at this moment, highly likely that he will be elected.” — Garza (Garza also points out that in her modality of reading, there are infinite timelines, so it is certainly possible this outcome will not come to be.)

“Is there a possibility that he’s going to be re-elected? Yes. Is there a strong possibility? Yes. But none of that is really set in stone right now. We can change things that can change the outcome. Right now, it does look like he is going to win.” — Daashur

“I feel like Trump is going to win. I know. That’s not what I want either, but it’s almost like we’re better prepared after four years of Trump, even going into it knowing what we know now. How are we going to change the fact that we have made this happen? There’s stuff that people who are not supporters of Trump could do now to circumvent that from happening. So with this being said, are you going to make that choice now? Are you going to take that action now? It’s almost like they’re throwing it back at us like, ‘What are you going to do?’” — Sambrano

2020 may be a year of “rising from the ashes,” but ultimately, we’re headed toward an entirely new age and mode of collective thought.

“Obviously there is a lot of pain and turmoil that the collective is feeling overall. It’s going to be a period of mass awakening, of waking up to individual potential, of the potential of the collective, and when that happens, things need to be burned down. They need to be burned away.

“The world is changing on a core level, and that is going to force us to make decisions in a very different way.” — Daashur

“After [Saturn is in Capricorn] it’s going to go into Aquarius — something unconventional. This is the year, whatever needs to emerge will emerge so that when 2021 comes, there is space for something completely innovative.

“Aquarius is more humanitarian. It’s thinking globally from the perspective of the collective. AI will probably be even bigger come 2021. It’s not going to come in that large capacity until something very core is broken down. That’s what I see 2020 being — energetically, astrologically. It’s a dismantling and a building at the same time.” — Truong

“More people are going to be galvanized or instilled with this feeling of ‘I can make a difference.’ It is a collective thing. I don’t feel like we’re going to be finding the answers next year. This is more of a gradual thing. In 2022, it will be set in motion.

“The image I’m seeing for Angelenos is that boulder at LACMA (the sculpture “Levitated Mass.”) They’re showing that, and saying ‘Just go through it. It’s not that scary.’ I think it’s the intention of the artists to make you think that boulder is going to fall on you. They’re saying ‘Engage with the conflict because engaging with conflict is an act of self-love because you’re going to learn how to move through that conflict.’ Engage with anything really. Don’t stay at home and try to think of these ideas.” — Sambrano

“We have to understand ourselves as part of a collective. We really have to break down the idea of individualism — and get rid of it. It’s no wonder when we watch the news and we see footage of children being detained at the border, that we feel that internally. We are connected to each other. Yes, we have the privilege of not being detained, but that doesn’t take away from the intensity that we feel when we experience that. We can connect and be the caretakers for each other.

“These issues that are happening are so huge and monolithic, but if we really think about what can we do? What are we good at? What do we have the capacity to do? We can do so much. I trust the power of the people.” — Garza 

Los Angeleno