- Whitefire Theatre
- June 10, 2019
- 8:00pm – 11:00pm
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‘Shame Of Thrones: The Musical’
Whitefire Theatre
8:00pm – 11:00pm
June 10, 2019
Still reeling from the final episode of “Game of Thrones?” Nothing quells post-series-finale withdrawal like a musical parody. Somewhere along the line of “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” meets “The Lord of the Rings,” the “Shame of Thrones” musical sets all the backstabbing, conniving and dragon-laced conspiring for the Iron Throne to a naughty, humorous rock score that infuses the storyline with pop culture references. The musical’s narrator, a cheekily depicted George R.R. Martin, chomps on Doritos while cavorting around his characters as he takes the audience all the way back to season one.
Tickets: $30 to $36 / The show runs every Monday through July 8 / More Information