BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20220520T011411-636691838 DTSTAMP:20220520T011411 DTSTART:20200315T150000 DTEND:20200315T170000 SUMMARY:Deaf West Theatre Presents 'Orphée' LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Deaf West Theatre stages their interpretation of surrealist poet, playwright and filmmaker Jean Cocteau’s irreverent 1926 play, "Orphée," which in turn was inspired by the ancient Greek myth of "Orpheus and Eurydice" and centers around the poet's fascination with death. In a unique twist, each role is played by a deaf actor signing their way through the performance, while another actor speaks the lines. Daniel Durant plays Orpheus, with Malik B. El-Amin providing his voice, and Natasha Ofili plays Eurydice, given voice by Lorinda Hawkins, who also plays Death. The performance is part of "Eurydice Found," a county-wide festival of performances, conversations and happenings in conjunction with L.A. Opera's world premiere of "Eurydice." Tickets: $25-$50 / More Information END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR