BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20201021T001624-61473666 DTSTAMP:20201021T001624 DTSTART:20200314T120000 DTEND:20200314T235900 SUMMARY:Burgerama 2020 LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: In the wake of recently canceled festivals, Burger Records endures, ready to save the weekend with the triumphant return of Burgerama, last seen in Los Angeles in 2015. Headlined by punk heroes The Mummies, the day-long event serves a cornucopia of garage rock in many shapes and flavors. Highlights include Flamin’ Groovies, Apache (playing their “last show ever”), The Exbats, The Side Eyes, Cosmonauts, Pearl and the Oysters, Tomorrows Tulips, Hammered Satin, The Memories and more. Tickets: $23 / More Information END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR