BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20200812T111704-1739406288 DTSTAMP:20200812T111704 DTSTART:20200302T193000 DTEND:20200302T210000 SUMMARY:Panel: Feminist Perspectives on Julie Mehretu LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Ethiopian-born contemporary artist Julie Mehretu makes large-scale gestural paintings that combine abstract expressionism with pop art through layers upon layers of markings and architectural references. In conjunction with the current Mehretu exhibit spanning works from 1996 to the present day, LACMA presents a panel discussing her work from feminist perspectives. Moderated by exhibit co-curator and Whitney Museum assistant curator Rujeko Hockley, the panel participants include artist Sadie Barnette, Hammer Museum associate curator Erin Christovale and independent curators Cecilia Fajardo-Hill and Essence Harden. Free with RSVP / More Information END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR