BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20210226T165239-747516076 DTSTAMP:20210226T165239 DTSTART:20200228T200000 DTEND:20200229T020000 SUMMARY:Jungle Fire Album Release Show LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Jungle Fire, L.A.'s very own 10-piece "tropi-funk" band, is hosting a record release party for their most recent self-titled album at Boyle Heights' most historic ballroom turned music venue. "Jungle Fire," the band's third studio album, combines elements of Afro-Cuban and West African soul and funk with '70s American breakbeat-centric funk to deliver lively, tight instrumental jams that could soundtrack an action scene as well as burn up a dance floor. Brainstory opens the show. Tickets: $10-$15 / More Information END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR