BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20200812T102848-457783713 DTSTAMP:20200812T102848 DTSTART:20200226T200000 DTEND:20200226T220000 SUMMARY:'I fall, I flow, I melt' LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Artistic Director Benjamin Millepied's "I fall, I flow, I melt" nears the end of its 10-day run at the L.A. Dance Project's newly renovated DTLA performance space. Presented in-the-round, the choreography was inspired by Millepied’s deep dive into Bach’s most infamous compositions. Incorporating movements from his previous work, "Bach Studies (Part 1)," and additional music from David Lang, the ensemble consists of 12 dancers moving to live music by violinist Ettienne Gara of L.A.’s Delirium Musicum. Tickets: $45 / More Information END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR