BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20220520T002023-1270070257 DTSTAMP:20220520T002023 DTSTART:20200224T190000 DTEND:20200224T220000 SUMMARY:Hot Tub with Kurt & Kristen 15th Anniversary Show LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Kurt Braunohler and Kristen Schaal have been hosting this weekly comedy show for 15 years! That means next year it will be able to drive itself to parties and have a boyfriend. In the meantime, they're throwing themselves a birthday party with Reggie Watts, Kyle Kinane, Jonah Ray, Christina Catherine Martinez, Kumail Nanjiani, Jackie Kashian and Natalie Palamides. Tickets: $5-$8 / More Information END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR