BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20210125T020224-1096925008 DTSTAMP:20210125T020224 DTSTART:20200222T150000 DTEND:20200222T235900 SUMMARY:Women's Motorcycle Show LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Hosted and created by the Moto Lady, aka Alicia Elfving, the Women's Motorcycle Show showcases women motorcyclists and all the things related to the bikes they love. You don't need to be a biker to attend, but if you are, or perhaps just fantasize about it, attendees can try their hand at pinstriping, MIG and TIG welding and blacksmithing courtesy of Real Deal Revolution. There will be artwork, live music, a raffle, a piƱata and short films about women riders by Cam Elkins from Stories of Bike. Tickets: $10 / More Information END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR