BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20210301T204905-358133881 DTSTAMP:20210301T204905 DTSTART:20200219T190000 DTEND:20200219T203000 SUMMARY:Place is the Space: Recasting Black Presence and Power Through Art LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: In conjunction with its "Balthazar: A Black African King in Medieval and Renaissance Art" exhibit, The Getty presents a conversation between alter-ego selfie artist Genevieve Gaignard and multimedia collager Rashaad Newsome, moderated by Tyree Boyd-Pates, curator of Western history at the Autry Museum. The pair will talk about why and how they create space for black histories in their work. They'll discuss notions of power, absence, erasure and reclaiming history in the African diaspora both in and out of museums. Tickets: Free with RSVP / More Information END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR